Weisan-Road River Crossing
Tunnel Project (14.96m)
Beijing Underground Transit
Line Project (12.04m)
Tianjin Underground Transit
Line Project (11.97m)
Water drawing tunnel of a
nuclear power station (9.03m)
Lot SDII of Shiziyang Tunnel
Lot 01 of Beijing Metro Line 6
[Tian-Shi] (6.28m)
Lot 7 of Changsha Metro
Line 2 (6.28m)
Lot 5 of the Shenyang Metro
Line 2 (6.25m)
Lot 5304 of Shenzhen Metro
Line 5(6.28m)
Lot 24 of Shanghai Metro
Line 7 (6.25m)
TERRATEC Shield assembly
in the factory (12m)
Lot GZH-3 of Guan-Hui Inter-
city Transit Line (8.8m)
Robbins Shield assembly
in the factory (6.26m)